Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Journey Begins

So I've been at this woodworking thing for a little while now. Like many others before me I'm going to try my hand at writing about my experiences so that maybe others (like me) who scour the web for anything woodworking can benefit with a specific technique, or things to look out for. I especially like the blogs by woodworkers who tell about their real experiences on a project. The perfect glossy how-to's in the magazines are nice, don't misundestand. But let's talk about all of those moments where a problem arises. Those are the real learning moments. I also thought it would be neat to have a place where friends and family can see what I'm building.

First things first. The name of my site is "Woodworking Rocks" because my two beautiful daughters surprised me one day with this sign for the garage (workshop). It hangs in a place of prominence. I thought it was fitting. Thanks girls!

1 comment:

  1. I totally love the sign. Drawings from my daughters litter the cork board in my shop, (covering the rejection postcards from the woodworking magazines)

    I'm glad you turned me on to your blog, I'm going to enjoy keeping up with you here and trading stories and ideas.

    Derek - Oldwolf
